

“You’re making a masterpiece. You’re shaping the soul in me. You’re moving where I can’t see, and all I am is in your hands. You’re taking me all apart, like it was your plan from the start. To finish your work of art for all to see. You’re making a masterpiece.” 

Every single word of this song speaks over the season of life I’m in. I have been in this season of waiting, of preparation, of pruning. I have questioned God’s plan for my life. I have doubted my decisions at every turn, and I have had moments where I’m barely hanging onto hope. But in the midst of all of that, I have also made a choice every day to believe that this is part of God’s plan. That he is shaping me. Working in ways that I cannot see. And on the days when I feel like I’m being torn apart, I have to believe God is putting me back together. I’m becoming a better version of myself. I’m becoming who God wants me to be. His work of art. His masterpiece.

In Ephesians 2:10 God’s word says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”  

God knows every minute of our lives before were even born, so wouldn’t it be so easy if we God would just come before us in our younger years and tell us, “OK, here’s my plan for your life, here’s how to get there. now go!” Yes, it would be much easier and maybe less painful, but then we would never have to trust or depend on His guidance. And part of growing our faith in Him, means sometimes following His voice in the dark, when we have no clue whats coming next.

I have had so many things happen in the last few months that have just made no sense to me. I cannot understand why they’re happening, and even as I’ve come before God in question, I haven’t received many answers. This is when my word of the year “CHOICE” keeps coming back to me. The challenge of that word keeps presenting itself in every situation I face. Am I going to choose to live this day in frustration of what’s happening? Am I going to give all my energy to the doubt and fear that presses in on me? Or am I going to trust Gods plan for me? Will I trust that He is for me, not against me. That He has good plans for my life! That He is making something new! That it’s OK to not always have the answers because God knows them. Will I trust that He is a God that provides? I have the choice! You have the choice!

“Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:12

Never would I ever have imagined, that God would redefine, and reshape my life in my 30’s. My mind tells me that by now, I should have been certain of who I am. I shouldn’t be thinking about switching careers. I shouldn’t be questioning so many things. But that is the mold society has put on me. God’s timing is beyond my understanding and perfect in every way. And He has set me on this path, in this time of my life for a very specific reason. I have to believe that He is preparing me for something greater than I can even imagine.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Whatever season you find yourself in today, trust in God’s timing. If you are following His words and His guidance, you never have to doubt. He will give you just what you need to make it to the next step.

I read a testimony this week online about a young woman that lost her husband to cancer. It was a heartbreaking story, but it ended in hope. The hope she had in Jesus that it was all part of his plan for her life. She said something that really stuck with me. She said in the midst of her pain and confusion, one day she felt God tell her “Give this to me”. As I read those words I felt the presence of God come over me and the situation I’m facing. He said, “my daughter, I love you so much more than you can know. I’m right here with you. In every worry, in every fear, in every doubt, I am with you. Just give this to me. I’ve got you.”

Wherever you are today, even if it’s so dark you can’t even see your own hand in front of you. He’s got you. I promise, He’s got you.

You Alone


“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”                   -2 Corinthians 12:9

Throughout this week I’ve faced some personal challenges. The enemy coming at me from all sides trying to bring discouragement and doubt. Begging me to focus on all the problems in my life. Nagging at me to just throw up my hands and say I’ve had enough, it’s too hard, there’s no way out.

But there’s been a louder voice, forcing its way through all of that negative noise…it’s a sweet voice whispering, “I am enough”.  Like His voice in 2 Corinthians that says just that! My grace is enough, I am strong when you are weak.

Our church is finishing up a campaign called “40 days of prayer” by Rick Warren. This last week reminded us to look back at what God has done for us. And even further to look back in His word to see what He’s done in many generations past. Have you stopped to do that lately? To remember a time when God made possible what you believed would never happen? Have you opened His word to read of the countless miracles performed in His name?

I know we’ve all been through storms in life that threatened to swallow us. I can think back to a specific time in my early 20’s when I thought my world was crashing down around me, and I believed there was absolutely no way out. I remember lying in bed one night, heart completely broken, full of shame, not knowing what to do. But as I lie there defeated, God’s voice broke through even if just the faintest whisper, It came in a song that said “come to me you weary one, I will give you rest. Come to me you broken one, I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

I remember a time 6 years ago when my husband had been let go from his job, and we thought there was no way we could pay all our bills. We thought we would lose our home. But God proved Himself faithful again. He took care of us and He made a way where there seemed to be no way.

3 years ago my family and I sat in a hospital room in San Francisco and were certain we were losing my Father in Law to a undiagnosable brain condition. We watched him deteriorating before our eyes, and all I could do was pray peace over the situation. Then I watched as God restored his health. I watched him walk back into his home weeks later. And even though his life will never be the same, I’ve watched him laugh, and love, and live for the past 3 years.

God is faithful. His power is made perfect even in our weakest moments. Especially in our weakest moments!

So as I look at this world around me. As I read story after story of the violence in this world. As I wonder what my future holds, and how I’m going to get there. I’ll look back and remember that my God is for me! I’ll remember His power and goodness. I’ll trust Him because He’s shown me time and time again that He can be trusted. And even when it’s just a whisper, I’ll listen when I hear Him tell me He’s enough.


A Beautiful Story

Well, I didn’t expect to be writing a post this week. I thought I would be 3 days post surgery and only able to use one arm. If you’re reading this, then you know that’s not the case. I mentioned in my last post that I was going in for shoulder surgery Monday, but what I didn’t tell you was that my original surgery date was February 5th and it got postponed for unforeseen reasons to March 12th. So you can imagine my shock when they called me Morning to tell me that my surgeon was stuck at the airport in Dallas and they needed to reschedule my surgery yet again, a month down the road.

I want to tell you that I was excited to hear that news, and that I’d enjoy being off for an additional month. But, that’s not what happened. I sat there on my bed and I cried. I cried hard. I’d closed my business in February to prepare for the first surgery date. When that didn’t happen,  I took the time to do everything I could to prepare my body, my mind,  and my home for the recovery process. When I hung up the phone, I cried out “why?” “Are you kidding me?” “I can’t believe this is happening again.” “I’m so confused, I don’t understand what God is doing here.” “Now what am I going to do.”

You see, this bump in the road is causing me to be out of work for longer than I thought. It’s causing me to be in this unknown season for longer than I thought. And I was questioning every decision I’ve made over the last few months.

But here’s where God steps in. He says to me, “OK. You’ve let it all out, I know how upset you are. I know this isn’t what you planned, but let me remind you…”

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11

I can’t tell you how many times God has brought that verse to my mind over the years, but it always puts things back in the right perspective for me. I don’t always get to know the full span of how Gods plan lays out. I don’t get to determine God’s timeline. I’m going to face things that I don’t want to go through. But I can be sure of this, whatever Gods plan is for me (and He has one) IT IS GOOD! His plan for me is good! His plans for you are good!

I was asking God why this was happening. Why He was doing this AGAIN. It’s just a simple surgery, why was He making it so hard to just get done and be on the road to recovery. But this morning as I thought back on my few days of questioning Gods plan, He spoke a very clear truth over my circumstance. He doesn’t MAKE everything in my life happen. Sometimes life just happens, and He allows it. Sometimes we get dealt things in life that seem unbearable, but He allows it. Sometimes other peoples choices cause pain and frustration in our life that we cannot prevent, and He allows it.

I believe that though it’s bizarre and frustrating that my surgery got postponed twice, It’s not Gods fault. But He is allowing it my life because He wants me to know, without a shadow of a doubt that WHATEVER happens, however many times this situation goes the opposite of what I planned, HE IS WITH ME. He’s with me in this prolonged season of waiting. He’s with me in my frustrations and confusion. He’s even with me in my doubt and anger. And He will use this for His GOOD plans for my life.

As a friend reminded me this week, one day this will be a part of my story. One day I’ll look back and understand why. God is not finished writing His beautiful story yet, and I’m choosing to be OK with that. He knows what He’s doing.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 

“Cause You know what is best,

YES! And you’re not done yet!

All the while you keep saying, trust that I am orchestrating,

everything for good. Everything for good!

All the while you keep saying,

trust that I am custom making, everything for good. “

I Can’t Get Over You

“And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of Gods marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you’ll never see the end of it or fully know or understand it.”  Ephesians 3: 17-19 (TLB)

This song by anthem lights is pretty old by now, but it came up on my playlist the other day and the opening verse struck me in a way that really made me stop and think.

“I love the way you love like no other. It’s got nothing to do with anything that I do. Time and time again you forgive me, so this time I choose to stay here with you.”

The first truth that struck me was the reminder that God’s love for me is like NO OTHER.  I’m not a mother, so I don’t understand the love of a parent. But I honestly cannot imagine a love that’s greater than the love I have for my Husband. I love him so much, I  always want to be with him, I want him to be safe, I want him to be happy. I want his greatest dreams and desires to come true. God’s word says in Ephesians that His love is SO great that we will never see the end of it, or fully know or understand it. That means that God’s love for us is beyond what our human minds can even contain or comprehend. Wow! Take a minute and think about what that means. Imagine the greatest love you’ve ever felt and then try to imagine more…you cant! God’s love is immeasurable and incomparable! And as the Word says, as God’s children we are able to receive that love! You are able to receive that love!

The second thing that struck me was the truth that Gods love for me has NOTHING to do with anything that I do. NOTHING I do or don’t do will ever change how God feels about me. ” Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” – Hebrews 13:8 His love is unconditional! I don’t have to be “perfect” for God to love me. I don’t have to do anything to earn His love. He loves me because that’s who He is! God is love! (1 John 4:8)

The last truth I heard during this verse is that because God loves me, He forgives me. Time and time and time again. No matter how many times I mess up, no matter how many mistakes I make, He never turns away from me. His love endures forever. (Psalm 136) I am so thankful that my God is a forgiving God, aren’t you? I know that as hard as I try, in my humanity, I will make more mistakes along this journey. But, in my reminder of how GREAT God’s love is, I never want to leave His side.

Like I said in a previous post, I have been on a journey of obedience for the last 6 months or so, and its been in the last 3 of them that I’ve decided to just open up my arms and surrender. I have watched God’s love story play out in front of me and I am left amazed. When I finally chose to let God show me what He had planned for my life, I had to walk away from some things, and I had to close some doors. I had to stop talking, stop working, stop fighting, and just listen. It’s been painful, and it’s been hard, very hard, but it has also been one of the best decisions of my life. Because, in this unknown territory, in this time of complete trust in His plan for me, I have been given so much. Nothing is the same anymore when you give God control, and I mean that in the best way possible! God is showing me WHO He created me to be. It may have taken me 30 years to watch this all come to fruition, but I know He’s not done yet! And He’s not done with you either! No matter where you are,  or how many times you’ve walked away in disobedience. No matter what you’ve done. God loves you! He knows whats best for you! And like I’m learning, sometimes for Him to get you to what’s best, is going to take some hard decisions. I am determined that every time God asks me to make a choice, I will choose whats right, because when He was given the choice to die on the cross, He said “Not my will but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 

I don’t know about you, but I want to see God’s will be done in my life because I know it is far greater than anything my human mind can come up with! And I know it’s worth whatever sacrifice He asks me to make, because He made the ultimate sacrifice for me. And I just can’t get over that!


Follow Through-A new commitment


What does it mean to make a commitment? To me it means dedication, faithfulness, accountability. It means sticking to something even when you don’t necessarily feel like it. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines commitment as, “The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity”.The synonyms listed are similar to what I previously stated; dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, and fidelity. I think in this day and age we too easily make commitments without truly understanding the weight of what it means, the weight of what it takes to honor the commitment. The hardest part of making a commitment? Following through. Following through once we realize the sacrifices we have to make. Following through when we’re faced with the difficult decisions of choosing our commitment over something more enticing. Following through NO MATTER WHAT because that is what it means to keep and honor a commitment.

Last year when I started this blog, I made a commitment to myself and to God to honor Him and allow Him to use my gift of writing for His glory. To use the stories and testimonies of my life to help others seek Gods word. I’m going to be honest and tell you that I didn’t keep that commitment. I didn’t follow through. It started around the holidays when life got busy, and it continued into this new year as I came up with excuse after excuse to not sit down and write. This short month and half of 2017 has been extremely challenging for me. Personally and spiritually, and I’ve let those challenges become the reason I didn’t honor my commitment. I used the challenges as an excuse to not be used by God. This week as I told myself and God again that I would start my blog, I really wanted to mean it. In my heart I didn’t want to find an excuse, even though I told myself I probably would. A song from Unspoken’s latest album played on a Pandora station at my salon, and I knew my excuses had run dry. There was absolutely NO reason for me to not write. There was no reason why I couldn’t use these very challenges as a reason TO write. As a reason TO be used by God. It’s the very reason I started this blog. To allow God to use my life, my joys, AND my struggles to bring glory to His name. The song is called “Follow Through” and I have chosen it for my first blog post of 2017. For a new commitment to this little ministry of mine. May God be glorified.

“I lay it all down at Your feet on the floor, but pick it up as I walk out the door. Oh God, help me surrender. It’s easy to rest my heart for the moment, but then I fear the waves of the ocean. Oh God, help me remember. Over and over, every minute. Closer and closer, I am committed. Why do I follow this fickle heart of mine?”

How many times have you done this? Found yourself in an eye-opening, life changing moment with God, where you surrender your troubles, surrender your pain and commit to trust Him 100%. But then as you walk away back into the realities of life and the first road block hits you, you pick it all back up again, taking life back into your own hands. That’s pretty much how this year has started for me. Losing weight before I try for a baby? God would give me the energy and strength. Making this year about drawing closer to God and truly live knowing He’s enough for me? Fully committed! Understanding that Gods timing is better than mine and that He knows best? Yes!! But then, 5 days into 2017 my husband was forced to make a decision to leave his current job. He wouldn’t be able to receive un-employment and would have to start from the ground up to build a new business for himself. My first thought? There is NO WAY we can afford to live on my income alone. Absolutely no way. I would have to pick up another day at work just to try to survive this. My mind was divided in a hundred different ways trying to figure out how this was going to work. I had already thought of everything but giving up. But God’s word says this, “Therefore do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light MOMENTARY affliction is preparing for us an ETERNAL weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look NOT to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) We cannot know the full plan of our lives that God has designed. We cannot know all of the things He is working out during our trials. We CAN know through His word that our troubles in life, whether they be financial, physical, or emotional are only momentary afflictions preparing us for the weight of Gods glory. That God is renewing us spiritually day after day after day through life’s ups and downs. We must trust Him in both. We must look to the things that are unseen because we can know that God sees them. I had to remember that my wealth is not in the things of this world, not in how much or how little money we would have, but in the cross. In the promise of eternal life through my Savior, Christ Jesus. I must not live my life based on my thoughts and knowledge of this world. I must not follow my ever-changing, fickle heart.

“Let my life be a beautiful garden, that You plant and bring forth a harvest. Oh God, won’t you use me. Through every season keep growing stronger, living my life to bring you honor. Oh God, Yours is the Glory. Over and over, every minute, closer and closer, I am committed. I’m not gonna follow this fickle heart of mine”

Something that I’ve re-discovered these last few weeks is this. PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ARE GOING TO LET YOU DOWN! They’re going to fall short. They’re going to hurt you, and disappoint you. It is in our very sinful human nature. We are not perfect, and God knows that! He designed us that way. He made us so imperfect so that we could only rely on HIS perfection! I have learned that I must take ALL my expectations off of the people in my life, because they will never meet up to the standards I seek. I must place ALL of my hope, ALL of my trust, ALL of my expectations on My Jesus. The one who will NEVER let me down! There will be seasons in your life when you are waiting for God, waiting for the answers, waiting for the way out, and during those seasons we must WAIT and trust that God is bringing forth a harvest in us and in our lives! He is cultivating ways to draws us closer to Him, ways to make us stronger in and through Him, beyond our comprehension. We must make the choice to either honor God ALWAYS, even when it’s hard, or to bring honor to ourselves when we choose to trust our own judgement over the Lords. I wish I could say that after I chose to trust God that day in January that things started looking up. But they didn’t. I have had to DELIBERATELY and consciously CHOOSE to trust God every single day. When bills are due and I have a week where 5 people cancel appointments, I have to choose to believe that God will provide. When my emotions are out of control and things are happening that I cannot change, I have to CHOOSE to remember that God is with me. He will take care of me and my family. Every day I have to choose Jesus. My commitment to Him is the greatest I’ll ever make, and I cannot afford to let my circumstances in life make me believe other wise.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.” -Philippians 4:12-14.

“More than my hands raised high. More than the tears I’ve cried. More than a one time, this a lifetime of chasing you. I feel Your Spirit move. A love I cannot refuse. Help me surrender, once and forever, and follow through.”

I desperately want to show God in 2017 that my commitment to Him is more than just raising my hands on Sunday mornings. More than the tears I cry out when I’m in need, because I know He hears me. I know He deserves my all. My everything. I want my commitment to be a LIFETIME of chasing after Him, because He is the answer. His love is the one thing worth committing to. And I KNOW that when I am FULLY devoted and committed to Him that I CAN and WILL follow through with the other commitments I’ve chosen to make in life. I want to surrender what has already happened this year, and what is to come. Surrender it all at the feet of Jesus, ONCE AND FOREVER!

The start of this year has reminded me quickly how much I need Jesus. And I know because His word says so, that He is working out things for my good because I love and trust him. (Jeremiah 29:11) By starting the year off as it has, I know that God is going to help me follow through with my new commitment to Him, because He’s going to use these trials, whether big or small, to remind me He is here, I can count on Him. To remind me to loosen my grip and let him take control. To remind me that this world and the things in it, they are not where my treasure lies.

“I’m not looking down. I’m not turning back. Press on the goal, this is my path. I stand on Your Mercy. I fall on Your Grace. I’m not giving up, ‘til I finish the race.”

Lord Jesus, You are so good to me. You know me more than I know myself, and you know what I need. Thank you for starting off this year the way you have. Though it has been hard and filled with tears and wonder, You have used it to show me your mercy and grace. To show me how I was viewing my life and how I SHOULD be viewing my life. My life is a gift Jesus. Thank you. Help Your children Lord to follow through with their commitment to serve you. To honor your and glorify you with our lives. Help us to be devoted, faithful, loyal and dedicated only to you Jesus. A lyric in my head this week has been that you will make a way where there seems to be no way. And I trust your word Jesus. You will make my paths straight. Let your name be glorified in all of my joys, and in all of my trials. May this ministry of mine touch many hearts and use me as you see fit. I trust you Jesus.

Inspiration- A look back

Happy New Year to all of my readers! I’m so excited to get back into this website and blog and really make something new of it! I’ve been praying and seeking inspiration from God and from The Word. My desire with this blog is still the same. To lead people into the presence of God through worship music and prayer. I want every post to be a genuine testimony of how God has moved in my life, to be a true word of hope to those that walk along side me as brothers and sisters in Christ. As I continue to determine and pray over what “Worship with me” entails this year I would like to repost my very first blog. I often go back and read it as an uplift and inspiration to myself when I’m feeling stuck. I hope that you will also find inspiration and hope. And I ask that you pray with me as I go forward into a new chapter for this blog!

Being a long time fan of their music and testimonies, I Pre-ordered Hillsong United’s new album “Empires” as soon as it was available. If you’ve heard this album, then you know I was not disappointed when I was touched by each song. The powerful thing about their music is how deeply you can feel the passion, and love, and truth behind each lyric. I can imagine where Gods presence took their hearts as they wrote and recorded each song. As with any new worship album, there are always the songs that reach you immediately, touching your soul in a way that makes you feel like it was written for you, about you. Then there are the songs that are great of course, but you just kind of skip past them while you obsessively listen to that one or those few that really grabbed you by the heart. Those for me with this album were “even when it hurts” and “captain”, and boy did I need to hear those lyrics at the place where I was in life, and in my walk with God. And, if your like me, time goes on , and you continue to love the album and listen to it shuffled into your “worship playlist” until one day, BAM! a song that you just “liked” before or “passed over” hits you in the face so hard it takes your breath away.

For me that song was, ‘Here now (madness)”. I loved this song when I first heard it, and am always mesmerized by Joel’s haunting voice as it plays through the speakers on my drive to work, but then there’s one time when you just HEAR every word differently, and you hear God speaking to you in every line and lyric that passes. I recently attended a Hillsong United concert here in my hometown, and that is where I heard and felt this song differently. That is when God rushed into my heart through these words and gave me a new hope, a new peace, and a new outlook on my current situations. My desire is that as I tell you how this song spoke to me, as I remind you of Gods promises as it did for me, that you are filled with hope in whatever you may be facing today.

Right now my biggest dream for my life is to be a mom. With type 1 diabetes, and  a thyroid disease, I face some challenges in achieving that dream. I know and have always believed that God will bless me with a child one day, and I have wept and prayed through many times when I let the enemy allow me to believe that I could not be a mother. I believed his lies that being a mom wasn’t Gods plan for me, that maybe I did something in my life that I was being punished for, and would never know how it felt to hold a child of my own, to love a child the way only a mother could. And through those lows, God always brought me back and reminded me that yes, I face some challenges, but there is absolutely NO challenge that God cannot overcome. To be honest, right now I’m going through a lower time. I still believe Gods promise for my life, but the waiting is hard, and I feel sometimes like it just wont happen for me. Time is ticking, and Im not getting any younger.

As they sang this song live at the concert, these words rang true and deep in my heart, the song opens saying, “Time runs its race within Your hand. And my mind runs wild to comprehend. What no mind on earth could understand.” I felt God telling me, “Jenna, don’t you ever forget that your time in is MY hands, as your mind wonders over and over why? remember that you are not meant to understand all of my ways. You are meant to trust me! Trust MY timing.” The song goes on to sing “Your ways are higher. Your thoughts are wilder. Love came like madness, poured out in blood-wash romance. It makes no sense but this is grace. And I know your with me in this place.” At the concert Joel, one of the band members spoke about God’s grace that sometimes, just doesn’t make sense. That at times we don’t even understand how we wake up and make it through day-to-day. But that’s Gods grace, it makes no sense, but its amazing and undeniable. I had to remember that Gods ways are better than mine, Gods timing is better than mine. He knows all, and sees all, and He knows what is best for me. He knows WHEN is best for me. His thoughts are wilder! What He has planned for me is far better and far greater than I can ever imagine! In Jeremiah 29:11(MSG) His word says “I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised! and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out!-plans to take care of you, not abandon you. Plans to give you the future you hoped for!” Wow! I want to wake up every day believing that! Reminding myself that God’s promise is to give me a future of hope! That He has it all planned out! I don’t have to wonder WHY or worry about WHEN I will receive my blessing. All that matters is that His word says that I WILL receive it!

The Second verse says “Faith makes a fool of what makes sense. But grace found my heart where logic ends. When justice called for all my debts. The friend of sinners came instead.” When I hear the enemy tell me that because of my diseases, I just wasn’t made to be a mother. I hear this song remind me that “Faith makes a fool of what makes sense.” And to this world what makes sense, is that I have type 1 diabetes which makes carrying a child very difficult. The world tells me that its impossible to achieve the low blood sugar levels that I need to conceive safely. It tells me that because of my thyroid disorder my chance of having a miscarriage is higher than average, and that most likely I wont carry a baby to term. But you know what my God tells me? He tells me “ Who cares what the world says. Who cares what the statistics are! I am God! The author and perfector of ALL! I Can and I WILL make a way for you to carry a child! You are my daughter and I want nothing more than to make you the mother that you deserve to be, the mother that I created you to be!” Gods logic might not make sense to my doctors or to this world, but its the only logic that makes sense to me! I’m also reminded by this verse that God does not punish his children! When justice tells me all the things that I’ve done wrong, all the mistakes that I’ve made, all the times that I turned from God even when I knew better, God reminds me that He came on the cross and stood in my place. He’s erased all of my shame, and He will not hold back a blessing from me because of things that I’ve done in my past. John 1:9 (NIV) says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Thank you God that you took my place on the cross, and paid the debt for all my sins.

To end I would like to talk about the chorus of this song. Its message is simple and true and the most important reminder that I hear while I listen. It goes “All I know is I know that you are here now. Still my heart, let your voice be all I hear now. Spirit breathe like the wind, come have your way. Cause I know You’re in this place.” I know, that I know, that I know that no matter how long it takes for me to receive my blessing, no matter what I endure to get there, that God is with me. He is here now! He is here yesterday, today, and forever, and that will never change.

Dear God, Thank you for the wonderful people who you used to create this song. I pray like with me, whoever may read these words, that Your voice be all they hear. That Your Holy Spirit breathe and have Your way. Their struggles may not be the same as mine, but you will come into their hearts just like you have with me and breathe life! I pray that as they listen to this song, that they be overwhelmed by your love and presence. That your peace and promises take over in their life, in there challenges, in their loss, in whatever they are facing right now. Let your Word speak truth and hope into their hearts. Let them receive the Power that you give them to overcome all things. And remind them that no matter how impossible, how intangible their desires may seem, that you are there with them. They are not alone. You will bring understanding, healing, peace and comfort.You are here in the midst of their trials, and you will be there when they, along with myself receive our blessings. And all glory and all honor will be given to you, who came like madness and poured out your blood because you love us that much. And because you want us to find our hope in You. Thank you that we can find hope in you Jesus.


You tell me


This week has been a hard one for me. It started off great. It was finally December! I put up all of my Christmas decorations at home and at my salon. The Christmas Carols were playing on repeat and the weather was actually starting to feel like winter! I absolutely LOVE this time of year! I had a lot coming up as the weekend approached. Let me back track a bit, the previous Sunday I had to miss church unexpectedly for a family emergency. So back to the story…The weekend was coming and I was excited for church Sunday. It just feels like something is missing from my life when I don’t get to fellowship and worship with my church family on Sundays. I was also looking forward to this particular Sunday because I knew we would be singing some Christmas songs! That same Sunday I had also signed up to volunteer cutting and styling hair at an event a good friend of my puts together every year for a local women’s shelter. I had been looking for a way to give back to the community so I was really excited to participate in this event. Friday at work I started to feel a little under the weather, but hadn’t slept much the night before, So I chalked it off as allergies and lack of sleep. Saturday morning I woke up with the tale-tale signs of a bad cold. I prayed for a miraculous healing and went off to work. Half way through my first client I knew I wouldn’t make it through the day. I rescheduled the rest of my clients and went home to rest in the hopes of feeling better Sunday. Well, I’m sure you can guess where this is going. Sunday morning I woke up feeling so much worse! I was now well into a full-blown head and chest cold. Not only did I have to miss church for a second week in a row, but I had to tell my friend that I couldn’t help at the volunteer event. I was so upset. And, to top things off, later that morning my older brother text me asking if my husband and I, along with my younger brother would like to come over for a movie night, which I had to turn down because of my illness. My weekend was ruined. Everything I had planned, down the drain because I just HAD to go and catch this virus that has been making it’s way around. Well, there’s a point to this story, I promise. I stayed in bed all day watching movies and eating soup and by the evening I was feeling a tiny but better. This morning (monday) as I thought about what song I would feature in my blog, God spoke to me about the bitterness I had carried and stooped in all weekend about missing out on that list of things I had planned. I realized that through my busyness this week, I hadn’t spent much one on one time with God. I had spent time with God a few mornings this week, but I hadn’t made Him a priority like I had promised Him I would. You know God has a reasoning and a plan for everything He allows in our lives. I heart-achingly realized that even though I was sick, and I didn’t get to participate in anything this weekend, God was giving me time. He was giving me time to have nothing to do. Time to spend with Him. Instead of being in tune with Gods heart and realizing that maybe by allowing me to get sick, He was giving me some undivided time to spend with Him. I chose to be bitter and upset about the things I had to miss out on. Boy did I feel horrible when I realized that this morning. God knows what we need. He knows when we need HIM more than anything. And He will get your attention by any means that He sees fit. As I go into this next week, I pray God helps me find Him in every situation I face. What is He telling me? How is He wanting to use me? God wanted me to slow down and spend some time with Him, and for me, I needed to be sick this weekend in order for that to happen. Don’t miss out on the opportunities God places before you like I did. Pray that you have a sensitive ear to what He is trying to tell you, because He WILL tell you.

As God revealed what His plan had been for me this weekend, I thought of this new song I heard a few weeks ago. Its called “You tell me” by the artist Carrollton. Every aspect of this song might not relate to my exact situation, but I feel it in my heart to help you understand that God knows you. That no matter what you are going through, it is for a divine reason, sometimes beyond our understanding. God is trying to teach you, to speak to you, to grow you. Will you be listening?

The song opens singing, “Feel like I’m a nobody. Wonder if I’ll ever amount to much. Seems like no matter what I do It’s never gonna be good enough. Should I just give up? Lord, I need to hear you speak.” Even the people who seem to have it all together go through times when they question who they are. When they question if what they are doing with their life means anything. When they feel like they just don’t measure up. Society, our co-workers, even or friends and family can sometimes put a lot of pressure on us to be who they think we should be. And then we read in the Bible who God wants us to be, and we start to question ourselves. Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? Am I living a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God? I know I ask myself these questions. Something comes up along the way that throws me off course and I immediately start to question everything. Sometimes we are so quick to forget that God is in control. We forget that even in the confusing, overwhelming trials and tribulations of life, God is still there. And He knows what He is doing. Sometimes God may even use extremely hard circumstances to get our attention, to draw us closer to Him. To fulfill the purpose that He has set out for us. My good friend that I’ve spoken about before who is battling leukemia said something recently that made this very real to me. She spoke about the hard times that she has been through in her life, and about how far God has brought her. He’d taken her on a hard journey that lead her to this beautiful new life. And then, she got her diagnosis, and she said after the shock of it all had settled, after God began to remake her, changing her mind and her heart through this tough battle, she realized that she would have never fully been able to step into this new life, the new role He had planned for her if it wasn’t for the diagnosis of her leukemia. It has made her view life in a whole new way, which is exactly what she didn’t know she needed. But God knew. And though some people from the outside might not view a diagnosis of cancer as something good, it has been good. It’s been hard, but it’s been what she needed to be made new. Sometimes God has to completely break us down to nothing, in order to remake us into something new. Into the person He wants us to be. Forcing us to change and to draw our hearts closer to Him. God WILL speak through even the toughest of circumstances if you listen closely. I promise you that.

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” -Isaiah 55:11

The second verse sings, “You wrote Your name upon my heart. You knew me long before my life began. You still have a plan. And when I’m starting to forget, Jesus, You tell me who I am.” I love these lyrics. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. When you surrender your life to Him and let His blood washes you clean, His name is written on your heart. You are His. Your every step, Your every breath belonging to Christ Jesus. With smaller situations like my illness this weekend, to bigger ones like a diagnosis of cancer, God has a plan. I use this verse a lot but it is one of my favorite Promises in God’s word. “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”-Jeremiah 29:11. Say that out loud right now, they are plans for GOOD and NOT DISASTER, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE! No matter what life brings you, your hope is in Christ Jesus. That hope will never die! “Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this?”-John 11:26. God’s salvation promises us eternity in heaven! We will never die, for our spirit will live on for ever and ever in the presence of our Lord God. Let that be your hope today! If you are going through something that has caused you to forget God’s plan for your life is GOOD, read Jeremiah 29:11 again. Read His promises. He will remind you who you are. WHOSE you are.

The chorus goes on to sing, “You tell me I am loved. Tell me I am known. That you died for me. I am not alone. Tell me I’m Your child. The one Your heart beats for. I can find my strength knowing I am Yours. You’ve always known what my heart needs. And you tell me.” Believe these words today with all your heart. YOU ARE LOVED. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son”-John 3:16. YOU ARE KNOWN. “whoever loves God is known by God.”-1 Corinthians 8:3. HE DIED FOR YOU! “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”-Romans 5:8. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”-Deuteronomy 31:8. YOU ARE HIS CHILD. “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”-Galatians 3:26. HIS HEART BEATS FOR YOU! “how can I give up on you? How can I give you away or treat you like Zeboiim? My heart beats for you and my love for you stirs up my pity”- Hosea 11:8. HE IS YOUR STRENGTH. “God is our refuge and strength.”-Psalm 46:1. HE KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED! “Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”-Matthew 6:8. Trust His word. It is tried and true and will never fail you. 

God’s voice is the greatest thing you can ever listen to. It will never misguide you, never lie to you, never leave you. It will restore and redeem you. It is always true. I pray you seek Gods voice today and everyday. Be sensitive to it. Be aware of it. Listen to it.

“Your voice has the power to heal the hurt inside. Your voice speaks the truth, brings my heart back to life.”

Heavenly Father, Remind us today how loved we are by you. Remove our worry and stress over our lives because you know us Jesus. You know everything about us. You know what we are going through and you know why. Help us to seek your plan and purpose in everything we go through in life. May we learn. May we grow and change through your plans. Help us above all else to trust you. Your plans are for GOOD. let us never forget that. You will use the bad, the ugly and the hurtful things for good because you love us, and you’re a good, good Father Lord. Thank you Jesus. Amen



Right now we are well into the busiest season of the year. Traffic is busy.  Every store you walk into is busy. Work is busy! Life is just plain busy! And most of it revolves around the extreme consumerism that the holiday season pushes on us. I have always loved the Christmas season. I love the crisp cold air and wearing warm sweaters and beanies! I love drinking hot coffee in the mornings! I love hearing Christmas music everywhere I go, and I love buying people gifts! This year, I feel different. I feel like the busyness is overwhelming me, frustrating me more than usual. Don’t get me wrong I’m still going to enjoy those things I listed, but I feel God really pressing into me to remember what this time of year is really about! I have always believed that Christmas is not about gifts, (even though I LOVE to give them) But instead of just reminding everyone around me the reason for the season is the birth of our Lord and Savior, God is asking me to live it! To really live a life this season that brings glory and honor to His name. To not be consumed or overwhelmed by the busyness, and in everything I do and everything I give to magnify His name and His alone! This reason is why I chose the song “Magnify” by We are Messengers. This song is a couple of months old, and I have been wanting to write a post on it since the first time I heard it. As we enter into the Christmas season I feel this is the perfect timing! I hope that you are blessed as you read and listen to these lyrics, and I pray that you too feel the desire to Magnify Gods name this Christmas and also into the new year!

“O Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.” -Psalm 34:3

The first verse sings, “I’ve been trying to make sense of the sorrow that I feel. Holding on for life to the only thing that’s real. I’ve only scratched the surface. I’ve barely had a taste.” Have you ever felt this way? Like you’re holding on for dear life to the promises of God because nothing else in life seems to be making sense? I know I have. Even right now in this time of celebration and joy, my husband and I are facing a stressful season. A season where we are having to put all of our faith in God and trust that He will take care of us. Our season of stress involves our finances, but yours may be something completely different. Stress can easily cause you to pull your mind away from God and start trying to solve everything on your own. Trust me when I say, THAT WONT WORK! I’ve tried it many times, and God always reminds me how much I need Him. Is God the first person that you turn to when your feeling the weight of stress? If He’s not, it’s time to do some self-evaluation. The other day while listening to K-love, one of the radio hosts said something that has stuck with me the last few days. He said, “prayer is not the least you can do, it is the most you can do!” I realized when He said those words that I have often told people, “the least you can do is pray.” or “all you can do is pray about it.” But, prayer is EVERYTHING that you can do! Talking to God is the FIRST thing we should do! The BEST thing we can do! Who do we think we are, that we could figure out something or solve a problem better than God? If you find yourself, like I have, facing a situation and automatically start making a list of all the things you could do, how you could make it better, let that be a trigger that puts up a giant STOP sign!! STOP right there in the midst of those thoughts and pray. God already knows your heart and your mind. He knows what you need before you even think it, but He wants to hear you ask Him. He wants you to acknowledge that He knows best. That He has the power to help you overcome whatever you’re facing! He wants you to trust Him! He wants to be honored and glorified as the ONE TRUE GOD! The one who will carry you through it all.

The pre-chorus sings, “But just a glimpse draws my heart to change. And one sight of you lays my sin to waste. I don’t need to see everything. Just more of you.” If you get even one glimpse of the grace and power of God in your life, you, as these lyrics say will want to change the direction of your heart towards The Father. He who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask! (Ephesians 3:20) Our God is more loving, more true and more powerful than our minds can even comprehend. Right now I am reading a devotional/bible study called “Pure Praise” by Dwayne Moore. So far his teachings about giving God pure praise are incredible and I am learning some life changing lessons. This week has been focusing of the greatness of the God we praise. Something he wrote has had my mind reeling all week-long. He is talking about the Sovereignty (the infinite power) of God. He writes, “As powerful as God is (more than we can even imagine) , how much power He makes available to us is somehow based on how much we realize we need it.” Wow! Think about that! If you’re trying to go through life figuring things out on your own, trying to see life through your own lens, and you think you only need God a little, only for the big things, then that’s what He’s going to give you. A little. If you realize how much you need God. If you understand that He has the power to help you with EVERYTHING big or small, then He will give you EVERYTHING you need! We don’t always need to see the bigger picture. We don’t need to see what’s coming next. That’s not our power to have. We NEED to TRUST in the powerful God that we serve! We need more of Him! He knows every minute of your life! What’s going to happen in the next minute and what’s going to happen in the next year! Dwayne Moore ended this chapter with a very challenging question. I wan’t to share it with you.

“Is the God you’ve been worshipping too small? Do you acknowledge only those attributes of his that you can comprehend? Is your obedience to him often based on your own understanding and approval of his directives? Could it be that your reverence and awe of him have been reduced to mere ritual and obligation?”

Swallow the lump in your throat and then take a minute to truly be honest with yourself about these questions. Is the God you’ve been worshipping, the God you rely on, the God you trust too small?

Keeping along with that same topic, the second verse begins singing, “My sight is incomplete and I made you look small. I’ve been staring at my problems for way too long. Realign where my hope is set, until you’re all that’s left.” Let’s start making our God BIG! Because He is big! He’s bigger than all of our problems. Like I’ve said multiple times in other blog posts, even in the middle of our biggest problems, our biggest storms HE STILL REIGNS! He is there, right there with us through it all. I want to reference something from another book that is mentioned in “Pure Praise”. Dwayne Moore talks about a biography titled “Through Gates of Splendor” by Elisabeth Elliot. It’s a true story about a group of men who were called by God to bring the good news of the  gospel to an indigenous tribe in the jungles of Ecuador. Though I can’t write about their whole journey, ultimately, these men were slaughtered when they tried to enter the tribes territory. The author Elisabeth Elliot, the wife of one of these brave men was asked how she remained so stoic and calm in the face of such tragedy. My heart was changed by the answer she gave. She said, “It is not the level of our spirituality that we depend on. It is God and nothing less than God, for the work is God’s and the call is God’s, and everything is summoned by Him and to His purposes, the whole scene, the whole mess, the whole package.” The truth behind her words is what amazed me. The grasp she had on the Sovereignty of God. Even in the extreme circumstance of which she lost her husband, she knew and believed with her whole life that it was all in His purpose, because everything leading up to their deaths, and their deaths themselves belonged to God. Instead of magnifying her pain and loss, she chose to magnify the Name of Jesus. I want to grasp His infinite power the way she does.

Though the lyrics in the chorus are challenging, I love them so much! They sing, “Take it all, take it all away. Magnify no other name. Open up, open up my eyes to you.” A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a thought in my journal during my devotional/prayer time. I wrote that I want to be the kind of woman, the kind of person that could lose EVERYTHING I have, everything I hold dear and still believe that I have it all because I have Jesus. I want to truly accept and believe that He is all I need. My wish for this holiday season as I mentioned earlier is to just take away all the busyness. Take away all the shopping lists, all the events, all the consumerism and replace it with Jesus. And I know that we can’t just literally take all of those things away, but we can take away the importance we place on them. The priority we give them. We can put all of those things further down on our list. We can put Jesus first. We can make glorifying and magnifying His name our top priority! We can open up our eyes to the more important things in life this season. Be more like Jesus. Help those in need. Give to the poor. Spend time with our family at home. Show your children and your families the love of Jesus. Take all the light off of these worldly things and shine it on the manger. The very reason we have a Christmas season to celebrate. The sweet baby sent to this earth, destined to die to save us. Let us magnify the one true God, and find our joy in Christ this Christmas.

Along with all the busyness of this season comes worry to please everyone, to get everything in perfect order for the holidays. It brings temptation, and the desire to be in control. Don’t buy into it. Don’t be like everyone else in this world. Stand apart as a child of a God who brings a gift far greater than any you can buy in a department store. I can sing the lyrics of the bridge over and over and I pray you do to. I pray you sing them or speak them or write them down until you believe God has the power to help you overcome it all. It sings “God be greater than the worries in my life. Be stronger than the weakness in my mind. Be louder! Let your glory come alive. Be magnified!”

Great are You Lord


This week has been filled with confusion and doubt in our country. People are consumed with fear over the election decision, worried about what the future may hold. I urge you to hold fast to the promises of God! He is in control! Instead of being filled with fear and doubt, we need to believe, truly believe like I said in last weeks post that NO authority is given in this world except by God! He knows what He is doing. He wants us to trust His greatness and instead of doubting our new leadership, lets pray. Pray for him and his family. Pray for the officials that will be working alongside him. Pray for the house and the senate. PRAY that God make Himself known to our leaders and TRUST that He is Sovereign God, who was and is and is to come.

“Yours, O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty; indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion O Lord, and you exalt Yourself as head over all” – 1 Chronicles 29:11

As I thought about which song I would choose this week, I struggled with feeling a bit un-inspired. I will admit that my mind has been a bit preoccupied this past week with the busyness of life. I sit and think about all of things that I have to do, all of the people who I try my best to stay in contact with during the week, all of the work that needs to be done. And I am reminded that ALL of these things that I have, the people that I love, my family, my home, my job, all of it is given by God. God has blessed me with so much, even my very life is a gift from God. He chooses to give me breath each morning, He protects me through out my day. He provides for my family by allowing me to have the job that I have; and the reality of it is, He could take it all away in the blink of an eye if He wanted. It is all His. Nothing I have in this life is my own! It really makes you look at your life differently doesn’t it? When I stop and remember that I own nothing in this world, I am reminded of just how great our God is. He has the power to give and take away, and He makes a choice every single day to allow me to continue to have the things I have in my life, the people I have in my life. He is in control of it all. Instead of running from that control, instead of trying to take that control away, lets stop and stand in awe of the greatness of our God. He gives us everything we have because He loves us. He wants us to live a full life. He gives us free will to choose whether we will be good managers of what He’s given us. What are you doing with your gifts today? That’s how I choose to see my life, a gift from a God who doesn’t have to give. I pray that today as you read this, you stop and thank God for His greatness. For your very breath and everything that He has allotted you today.

I chose the song “Great are you Lord” by All Sons & Daughters today. It’s a simple. short song, but every time I hear it I remember to stop and stand in awe of my Father. All that He is, all that He does..For me, His undeserving child. The song opens singing, “You give life. You are love. You bring light to the darkness. You give hope. You restore every heart that is broken. Great are You, Lord.” The life you have has been given to you by a God who created the universe. An almighty God who has the power to move mountains and speak to the seas. Our God, a friend of sinners, who died in our place to give us freedom. A God who not only loves but IS LOVE. God is the very definition of love. “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” -John 15:13. A God who is the light in the darkness. No matter how dark of a place you may find yourself in. How deep into the tunnels of sin you have walked, speak His name and His light will shine bright! Brighter than the darkest places. A God who gives hope! The only one that brings hope in the hopeless situations. An eternal life in heaven, A promise that this broken world is not out home.(Hebrews 13:14) That is our hope! The promise that He will never leave you or forsake you! (Deuteronomy 31:6) A God who restores EVERY broken heart. People are going to hurt you. The ones you love most are going to let you down. We are imperfect humans who run on emotion and don’t always think before we speak or act. But God is constant and true, never-changing. He will never disappoint you. He will never let you down. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. Amen! We serve a GREAT God who is able to do ALL things. How can we doubt this life God has given us? How can we doubt that God has our back? How can we doubt that He KNOWS what He is doing? All you have to do is read His word! It is filled with wonderful stories and testimonies of How great He is. He is our all! He is our everything! He’s our Savior and Redeemer and He is ALIVE!

Praise His Holy Name today as you read the words to the chorus out loud. “It’s your breath in our lungs. So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise. Its your breath in our lungs. So we pour out our praise to You only.” I love how simple they have made these lyrics, but the impact of their meaning is great. IT’S GOD’S BREATH IN OUR LUNGS! Not ours! It’s not by our own works that we open our eyes every morning and breathe in a new day! It’s by God’s grace that we are allowed to live another day on this earth. We need to pour out our praise to Him alone! He gives life! “For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with a skillful psalm” Psalm 47:7.

God is great no matter what your life brings! Even in pain He is great. Even is loss He is great. Even as this massive wave of confusion consumes the minds of this Nation, HE IS GREAT, and greatly to be praised! Give your praise where praise is due! The lyrics of the bridge sing this, “All the earth will shout Your praise. Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing, Great are You Lord” Whether you choose to give your praise to God or not, one day when this earth is done, and The Kings of Kings comes to take His people home, ALL of the earth will bow before their Lord and shout His praise! (Romans 14:11) Every heart will cry out, our very bones singing GREAT ARE YOU LORD!!! His Greatness will be revealed! Will you choose to praise His name today?

Father God, Great is Your Name! You are worthy to be praised! Lord, our very breath is a gift from you. One that you don’t have to give us, but by your grace you give it. Thank you for my life Jesus. For my Husband, for my friends and family, for my job, for my church and my church family. All of these things given by you. Help me Lord to be a good manager of what you’ve given me. Help me Lord to cling to the things in this life that are eternal. Help me to not take advantage of the time that you’ve given me on this earth. You have placed me here and now for a reason God. Lord if I am not praising Your Name in all that I do, show me. Show me so I can change Lord. I want my life to be a continuous song of praise to the Lord over all! I love you lord! Let your greatness and power be revealed in this Nation. Reveal it over the chaos and confusion. Your name will be praised Lord. Jehovah Jireh, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Almighty God! You are worthy and worthy to be praised!

Be still and know


“Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; He lifts His voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations He has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields with fire. He says, ‘Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

Psalm 46: 6-10

Tomorrow is voting day. The leadership of this country is about to change, and whether we want to admit it or not, we fear in one way or another what that might mean. You can’t turn on the T.V. for one minute without seeing an ad about the presidency, about local governments and propositions. For me it’s all a bit overwhelming and I find it hard to trust what I hear. This world is a place filled with much darkness this day and age, and we must strive hard to not only find the light, but to be the light. We must trust God’s word that HE ALONE will be exalted among the nations and over all the earth. Whomever is chosen to lead our country will make the decisions they choose, and it may affect us little or greatly, but we MUST remember that the final say is the Lords! Our God and Father who wants only good for His people. We must trust Him. Trust that He has gone before and behind. Believe deeply with all your heart in the truth of these words in Psalms 46. They apply to our lives today just as much as they did when they were spoken. Trust Him.

I discovered a new artist this week through one of my Pandora stations. I may be late to the game, I’m not sure, but her name is Hannah Kerr and her album “Overflow” is absolutely beautiful. It has ministered to me, It has challenged me, and it has comforted me with reminders of God’s great love. I highly recommend that you go on over to iTunes or Google Play and purchase it RIGHT NOW! I knew I wanted to choose a song from this album for my blog this week, and I went back and forth for days trying to decide. They are all so good and speak of great messages from God. Ultimately, I chose the song, “Be still and know” featuring Mark Hall. Not only did the words seem fitting for this time in our nation, but also for some challenges and questions I have been facing personally. I pray that you are blessed by this song as I was. That you find comfort and peace in these lyrics, along with God’s word as you read.

The song opens singing, “When your heart is anything but quiet, and peace feels a million miles away. When the world is heavy on your shoulders and you don’t know the path that you should take. When you cry out to the Lord and your broken voice is weak. When you can’t stand anymore, He’ll meet you on your knees.” I can take a pretty good guess that not many of our hearts are quiet these days. And with the question and worry of who will lead this country it is hard to find peace. It does at times seem like peace is just not a reality in this world any longer. Peace is replaced with chaos, fear and uncertainty. And as many of us cast our votes this week we will feel the weight of the choices we make. Hoping and Praying that we make the right ones. I can tell you this, if you seek the Lord in all your decisions this election, if you allow Him to speak to you and guide you, you can rest assured you made the best choices you could make. His word says in Proverbs 3:5. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”  We were not designed to understand everything that God has planned for our lives. We were designed to trust a God who loves us and wants what is best. To lean like this verse says on HIS understanding because HE KNOWS ALL. He knows how your story begins, ends, and every second in between. And He knows the fear and uncertainty that you feel. When you are broken down for whatever reason, and you can’t even find the strength to stand, He will meet you on your knees. He will meet you wherever you are, just invite Him in. He will meet you in your fear, in your pain, in all of your shortcomings and weaknesses. And He will even meet you at the voting polls tomorrow, directing and guiding every box you check if you allow Him to. Trust Him.

The second verse sings, “His plan is for the good of those who love Him. His word is the promise you can hold. So cry out to the Lord. He is strong when you are weak. Find rest and be restored. He is all you need.”  Maybe your peace isn’t robbed by worry over politics, maybe your fighting a different battle today. You can trust Him in that as well. He knows why He has allowed certain events, or circumstances in your life, even when you don’t. His plan is ALWAYS for the GOOD of those who love Him. His word is the one true promise you can hold to. Full of promises that will NEVER fail you. I have a victory story to tell you this week. If you have read any of my past blogs then you know that I am on a journey of becoming a mother. However I face some challenges with my type 1 diabetes and thyroid disease. about 3 years ago when I really decided I wanted to be a mom, I was not at a good place in my Health. I had let life get so busy and overwhelming that I had put my health and my diabetes on the back burner. In doing so gradually my HbA1C percentage (a value that reflects my blood sugar levels over a span of weeks/months) creeped up and up until one day I was sitting in my doctor’s office and there they were telling me that my A1C was over 10% (that is not good! it should be between 6.0-7.0) I was ashamed. I didn’t understand how I could let that happen. I decided to make some serious changes, some have happened slower than others and once I decided I wanted to have children I had to really crack down on my control and get that number lower. Fast forward to about 1 year ago…I had brought my A1c level down some, but not enough to conceive. To have a healthy pregnancy most doctors want it to be even lower, around 5.5%. I was frustrated and losing hope. This daily battle with Diabetes is hard and tiring and sometimes I feel like I’ve done all that I can, and it’s still not working. But as God continued to teach me to trust Him, to push forward, to lean on Him during the hard days, through the times when I felt weak and worn, I learned to persevere. I didn’t give up even when I didn’t see the results I wanted. And today, even though I am not in range to have a baby yet, for the first time in 19 years my A1c percentage is 7.0! I am proud of my hard work, and now that percentage of 5.5 that seemed oceans away a year ago, is right in arms reach. I am almost there, and my trusting in Gods timing, my leaning on His strength and understanding will get me there! I know it. I trust Him!  He is strong when I am weak! He is restoring my body and my mind and He is EVERYTHING I need to achieve the dreams that He has given me. He is good.

The chorus of this song takes us back to that verse in Psalm 46. It sings, “Be still and know, you don’t have to worry. Be still and know, He’ll meet you where you are. He is good, His love will never let you go. Trust Him. Be still, and know. Be still and know.” God is so good. Whatever tomorrow brings, He has already been there. He already knows who our next president will be, He knows what propositions will and wont be passed, and He is in control. His word promises in Romans 13:1, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” Whatever battles we face personally or politically, He has already won. We don’t need to worry. Even when we face trials, even when we walk through deep waters and darkness. We don’t need to worry because His word is true and it says that He is working all things out for the GOOD of those who love Him. His word says to be still and trust that He is God. His word says He is Lord over ALL! Let Him be God. Yes, we can do our part in voting. We can do our part if being in this world but not of it. We can radiate the light of Jesus in this dark world. But as we do those things, as we do the things that He has called us to do, and as we be the people He has created us to be, we CAN trust Him. We must then be still and trust Him.

Jesus Thank you. Thank you that you reign. That you are the king of kings and the lord of lords. Thank you that we can trust and believe that all authority in this world is given by you. Thank you that we can find peace in knowing that you have created this world and everything, and everyone in it. You know our past, our present and our future God, and you are making it good. We may face some hard times to get there Jesus, but you have overcome the world and you are working out all things for Good. Thank you! Meet us where we are today. Be our confidence as we vote this week. Guide and direct your people to make the choices that you desire for this nation. Teach us and remind us to trust you! To be still! To get out of Your way and let you be God! You will never lead us down the path of destruction. Your promises are true Jesus! Thank you that you never fail, you never falter, and you never let go. Our Comforter, Protector, Keeper, thank you that you love your people deeply. Move fiercely in this Nation during this election and bring forth the leaders that you have called, that you have predestined, and that you will guide. I trust you Jesus. Let my trust in you never falter. You are Lord. You will be exalted! Thank you.