

“You’re making a masterpiece. You’re shaping the soul in me. You’re moving where I can’t see, and all I am is in your hands. You’re taking me all apart, like it was your plan from the start. To finish your work of art for all to see. You’re making a masterpiece.” 

Every single word of this song speaks over the season of life I’m in. I have been in this season of waiting, of preparation, of pruning. I have questioned God’s plan for my life. I have doubted my decisions at every turn, and I have had moments where I’m barely hanging onto hope. But in the midst of all of that, I have also made a choice every day to believe that this is part of God’s plan. That he is shaping me. Working in ways that I cannot see. And on the days when I feel like I’m being torn apart, I have to believe God is putting me back together. I’m becoming a better version of myself. I’m becoming who God wants me to be. His work of art. His masterpiece.

In Ephesians 2:10 God’s word says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”  

God knows every minute of our lives before were even born, so wouldn’t it be so easy if we God would just come before us in our younger years and tell us, “OK, here’s my plan for your life, here’s how to get there. now go!” Yes, it would be much easier and maybe less painful, but then we would never have to trust or depend on His guidance. And part of growing our faith in Him, means sometimes following His voice in the dark, when we have no clue whats coming next.

I have had so many things happen in the last few months that have just made no sense to me. I cannot understand why they’re happening, and even as I’ve come before God in question, I haven’t received many answers. This is when my word of the year “CHOICE” keeps coming back to me. The challenge of that word keeps presenting itself in every situation I face. Am I going to choose to live this day in frustration of what’s happening? Am I going to give all my energy to the doubt and fear that presses in on me? Or am I going to trust Gods plan for me? Will I trust that He is for me, not against me. That He has good plans for my life! That He is making something new! That it’s OK to not always have the answers because God knows them. Will I trust that He is a God that provides? I have the choice! You have the choice!

“Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:12

Never would I ever have imagined, that God would redefine, and reshape my life in my 30’s. My mind tells me that by now, I should have been certain of who I am. I shouldn’t be thinking about switching careers. I shouldn’t be questioning so many things. But that is the mold society has put on me. God’s timing is beyond my understanding and perfect in every way. And He has set me on this path, in this time of my life for a very specific reason. I have to believe that He is preparing me for something greater than I can even imagine.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Whatever season you find yourself in today, trust in God’s timing. If you are following His words and His guidance, you never have to doubt. He will give you just what you need to make it to the next step.

I read a testimony this week online about a young woman that lost her husband to cancer. It was a heartbreaking story, but it ended in hope. The hope she had in Jesus that it was all part of his plan for her life. She said something that really stuck with me. She said in the midst of her pain and confusion, one day she felt God tell her “Give this to me”. As I read those words I felt the presence of God come over me and the situation I’m facing. He said, “my daughter, I love you so much more than you can know. I’m right here with you. In every worry, in every fear, in every doubt, I am with you. Just give this to me. I’ve got you.”

Wherever you are today, even if it’s so dark you can’t even see your own hand in front of you. He’s got you. I promise, He’s got you.